The Simple Dictionary does not contain the inflection part. It can be used for invariable parts of speech and for the languages with almost no inflection. The dictionaries can be accessed from the Language Toolkit Reader and V&N Lookup programs as well.
Adding words to the dictionary is easy. Check the Edit? check-box. Type the new word in the text box (at the bottom left-hand corner) and press the Return (or Tab) key. The new word will appear in the left-hand side scroll list. You can fill the translation (box at the top right-hand corner) and the comments parts then. To disable editing you should uncheck the Edit? check-box. To remove the word from the database choose Cut or Clear after selecting the required word from the list. You can also change entries when the Edit? check-box is checked.
Note. Entering the translation of the word.
Since the translation is used for the exercises and for searching, it is important to adhere to the following rules for filling in the translation box. Enter all the meanings of the word. Separate each meaning with a comma (or a semicolon, or a colon) and a single space. If you want to add a short explanation that should be skipped in the translation exercises then put it into round brackets after the meaning. For example the meaning of the Polish noun akt would be:
action, deed, certificate (of birth etc.), act (in theater)
The example of the more complicated translation for the Polish word zbyt is:
(1. noun): market (popyt), sales; (2. adverb): too
Note that all explanations should be enclosed in brackets and followed by a separator (comma, colon, or semicolon). For longer explanations you should use the comment-box.
In the box at the bottom right of the window you can type your comments about each word. Comments are automatically saved to a disk. You can use styled text (with multiple fonts) in the comment-box ('Font', 'Size', and 'Style' menu items are available from the 'Edit' menu). Option-clicking on any word inside the comment-box will initiate the search for this word. Option-clicking on any word inside the translation-box will display the reverse translation.
The find feature is accessible at the top left corner of the window. You should click the button (at the right of the find-box) to switch between the native and the foreign language modes (i.e. to look for the foreign language word or for its translation). To find a word you should type the beginning of it in the find text box (at the upper-left corner of the window) and press the return key (or click the word 'Find:' at the left of the find-box). Shortcut 竚 F takes the cursor to the find-box.
Note. To make any changes to the dictionary or word-groups make sure to check the 'Edit?' check-box.
Changing Fonts
Choose Dictionary Settings menu item by pulling down the 'File' menu. You can choose the font used for the translation (native font) and the font used to display words in the scroll-lists (foreign font).
Please read the following sections in the previous chapter to learn about the features common to both types of dictionaries:
Custom Groups,
Tools Window,
Recording and Playing Sound,
Exercises Window.
The inflection exercises are not available for the Simple Dictionaries (because these dictionaries do not contain the inflection part).